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Saturday, November 22, 2003

Life is like a drama, the lights come up, the actors and actress play their roles, the end of film for everyone, They get paid there.

Turn Our Head
Oh no, too many time walk in black
The song that I sing too loud
Let me down to get closer to get back
My love is too proud

You are the great mystery
Even scientist look like a donkey
You are the most funky
And has the best mercy

I wanna dance with you
In the same song of you
God is just a name
The fact is you are very fame

Days of the Life
Sunday, dying in the grave
Monday, opened the eyes
Tuesday, woke from the death
Wednesday, walking outside
Thursday, beaten outside
Friday, miss the ground
Saturday, closed the eyes

Cuxry ::::: 11/22/2003 04:44:00 PM

---End Session---

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Ga tau harus ngomong apa...isi otakku lagi kosong. gw cuma bilang ama loe Cry...
live your fuckin* life and keep up the fight, karena cuma loe yang bisa ngerubah diri loe sendiri sekarang atau kapanpun seperti yang Sun Tzu pernah bilang "kenalilah dirimu dan kenalilah lawanmu". bila loe mau, loe bisa pake kata-kata itu buat ngejar semua ambisi loe.

Thanks for nothing!!!
(Rudy 'Joe' Andriansyah)

Cuxry ::::: 11/20/2003 10:31:00 PM

---End Session---

Me: I be jealous of you, angel
Angel: He...he...he... why?
Me: You have a nice relation with God
Angel: You have it too
Me: No, I never meet God
Angel: You will, you are stupid, and many humans too
Me: Why?
Angel: It is simple, because in God, humans have much freedom
Me: Like what, because you are perfect angel than me angel, you wear a white clean costume and beautiful / handsome
Angel: Nobody's perfect even me Don't I don’t have passion and emotion
Me: What about humans?
Angel: Ok, I tell you, all of humans are free in choosing their believe to love or hate God or not to believe in God at all, and you know me, I was created to obey all of God's controls
Me: Ooo…

An angel flies serving humans
A man sleeps with his hands bounded
An angel stopped facing him
'Unbound this noose, please.'
He points to another angel in the distance
'That is your time.'
'No. I can’t stand again.'
Without sorry the angel continues to fly
'Hey, don’t go!!!'
The other angel flies slowly in the distance
The man stands up and run to jump over the noose
But he falls into a bed of roses
The waited angel arrives and shakes his head

Brother & Sister

I hope both of you wont regret appearing after me in our park
Only love can keep us together

Cuxry ::::: 11/20/2003 12:02:00 AM

---End Session---

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

"How Are You Doin'?"

In this life, I'm learning of you and it's great
It makes believe that I'm small
We come to this tree to love you
It just wastes time, if I should run from my faith
No other power that makes this possible
Let me know you closer
I dream of you every night
I want to say thank you, I'm better now
Because of you that care to us
I even don't recognize you physicaly
But still reminds me that you are uncompetitable
Whatever we call you, it just a name
Just a name

Cuxry ::::: 11/18/2003 11:12:00 PM

---End Session---

Monday, November 17, 2003

Cuxry ::::: 11/17/2003 10:22:00 PM

---End Session---

nggak ada yang terlalu istimewa hari ini. Semua berjalan seperti jadwalku. nggak ada kejutan. pada al aku kan suka banget kejutan. Dari siapa aja ..apalagi dari Tuhan. Hidup tanpa kejutan rasanya kok seperti sayur tanpa garam beryodium.
Kejutan. ah aku selalu pengen dapet kejutan..tapi hari ini? enggak ada. Ah udahlah besok toh masih ada hari. siapa tau kejutan itu emng dijatah untuk besok. Ya, siapa tau ..Iwan Fals aja bilang "dalam hari selalu ada kesempatan..dalam hari selalu ada kemungkinan"..dan aku percaya itu percaya banget. Aha termakan lagu itu jg guwa GASWAT man .
dan aku mohon kejutan untuk esok hari.. "satu pun cukup Tuhan.."

by : Nisya

Cuxry ::::: 11/17/2003 02:38:00 PM

---End Session---

Sunday, November 16, 2003

"Can you imagine ??? even a man wanna have sex with him"

"Guess, Who ???"
"Have a right answer ???
"Win a free pass to heaven, by fuckin' with him!!!"

Cuxry ::::: 11/16/2003 01:09:00 PM

---End Session---

Saturday, November 15, 2003

be my sunshine
be my sunshine and do not forget, I want you so badly , you'r lips's are still wet.
I miss all you'r loveing I want more of it, I wait in the shadow's , like when we first met
unstopable loveing I immagine it with you as my lover I wat more of it want
A kiss of envy , a kiss of desire, I lick my lips' for what I will get
i'll make you another
when I think about you thru my eye's are beautiful sight's amongst my thought's to see you right there *smiles*

(Nisya Posted THis One)

Cuxry ::::: 11/15/2003 08:41:00 PM

---End Session---

Unconscious is Beauty
Folks, we meet again with different minds.
I'm blessed with mine and you got yours.
In the same corridor of temporary space.
Your shoulder bumped into mine.
You forgave me, I smiled at you.
You gave a hand when I descended.
I kissed you for thank you.
"Will you delay yor death for me?", I said to you.
"I will, Don."
"Fuck!!!," the energy of Vodka is weaking.
I opened the 2nd Vodka and you came toward me once more.
"He..he...," he was playing with me again.
When I awake, I give him a time to play with angel there.

Dedicated to:
Nico (in the distance)

Cuxry ::::: 11/15/2003 04:50:00 AM

---End Session---

stare at the darkly looking glass
touching every inch with delicate tongue
wash it up 'till it shine , brighter than a sun
and if you give your self in, you'll only find your reflection
but we brought in our angel to this simple puzzle
have our mind wondered?
I did talk to this side wings every night I sleep
I did stare at this same darkly looking glass every time i wake
if my angel stands there, I wont cry
and all my sin that i would pay for them ,if I could only..
... touch you ,be your wings
and with this sinfull request I do polish my self dry
with delicate tongue and icy eyes
They put my soul away ,inside the shallow grave
wash away my body from the promises I never made
..and burning out my picture .. my clear mirrored image
and I'm the angel as we talked over this morning vintage
and they the angel standing inside the darkly looking glass


Cuxry ::::: 11/15/2003 04:06:00 AM

---End Session---

evil to those who think evil he is.

Cuxry ::::: 11/15/2003 03:55:00 AM

---End Session---

Friday, November 14, 2003

Nabiel (The most gorgeous man in Jatinangor) : gw cuma mo ngomong....klo kebanyakan org tuh tai !!! ga' usah so' dah..."WHO REMEMBERS UR FACE...WHO REMEMBERS U WHEN UR GONE!" (mikir dikit ye!).

Cuxry ::::: 11/14/2003 12:15:00 AM

---End Session---

Thursday, November 13, 2003

2 Kutub Kehidupan

Cinta berperan sebagai kutub pertama

Karena dengan mencintai kita dapat merasakan cinta

Tapi maaf para Romeo & Juliet itu bukan hanya cinta eksklusifitas yang sekarang ini terlalu diagungkan

Cinta kepada Sang Khalik, Orang tua, Kerabat, dan Semua makhluk yang tercipta di pohon ini

Kutub kedua adalah ikhlas, cinta yang dilandasi sifat ini kan berbuah manis, semanis kurma di saat berbuka puasa

Saya bisa mencintai anda tapi mungkin anda tidak tahu bahwa itu hanya kepura-puraan agar saya dapat keuntungan

Saya percaya bahwa satu hal tersulit di dunia adalah ikhlas, baik menerima atau pun memberi

Cuxry ::::: 11/13/2003 12:47:00 PM

---End Session---

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Coba pikir deh, gak enak yah ternyata klo udah ngeberesin satu hal. Masalahnya hasilnya kita udah tau. Kaya gue aja sekarang beres kuliah, malah merasa kehilangan satu proses kayanya. Seneng sih seneng karena agak irit gitu orang tua sama guenya, tapi di-pikir2 ga enak. Masalah gue harus biasain diri lagi gak kuliah, bukan berarti gue kuliah gak mau beres. 3 tahun lebih ke belakang banyak banget proses2 yang bikin gue merasa hidup, pas gue gak ada duit lah buat bayar diktat di kampus, ga ada lagi lah contoh kecil proses kaya gitu. Malah ada pendapat yang gila, bayangin deh klo orang masuk surga, apa aja dikasih mana ada usaha/proses, jenuh kali ya di sana? Terus malah ada pendapat tambahan kebayang ga klo orang yang di surga makan buah kuldi, biar pada dikirim lagi ke bumi, serem euyyy, sorry yang baca klo pikiran gue ngelantur soalnya gue cuma tulis yang lewat aja di pikiran gue.

Cuxry ::::: 11/11/2003 11:10:00 PM

---End Session---

Sunday, November 09, 2003

All the mistakes
This day I'm not crying for you girl, not even for my parents
I just lost in too many ways
The blurry path is having the thick mist
And I know, the mist is my previous mistakes
And now I,m crying for that mist getting dark
Too late for me to wind the mist
The mist's waiting me there
In my one life to take

Cuxry ::::: 11/09/2003 01:35:00 AM

---End Session---

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Wise Man : 'You should listen to my voice, young man'
Cuxry : 'I don't need an advice asshole, I need an example'
Wise Man : 'Life must be patience'
Cuxry : 'Patience your ass old man, patience leads us to be intimidated'
Wise Man : 'We have not to make a problem'
Cuxry : 'Hey morron, this is life, the art in overcoming problems, you should been dead if you don't wanna have a problem
Wise Man : 'You too emotional in judging something young man'
Cuxry : 'Poor you grandpa, though people think you are wise but now you are making a stupid and me as a kid is doing a wise thing'
Wise Man : 'Am I wrong?
Cuxry : 'Yeahhh, cuz people are changin'

Cuxry ::::: 11/08/2003 04:28:00 AM

---End Session---

Friday, November 07, 2003

Berbicara Fakta Bukan Suatu Kejahatan
Kapan mo dewasanya yah dunia? Banyak banget orang yang jiwanya kerdil. Sering sumpah di lingkungan yang banyak mempengaruhi gue aja itu terjadi, tahinya lagi antar teman sendiri. Gue orang yang paling sering dijadiin teman ngobrol (curhat lah istilah peradaban babi2 licik ini) sialnya mau ga mau gue sering ngikutin ngejelekin seseorang tapi berpegang pada tips nya Ayam yaitu:Cry, bayangin klo lu di posisi yang salah (yg ini mmpengaruhi utk menjadi pemaaf) trus klo bisa lu sebisa mungkin ngomongin orang sesuai fakta. (makasih banyak Yam). Intinya tuh banyak orang ngomongin orang yang sifatnya mengkritik (mending langsung aja depan mukanya njing!!!) Trus ada orang yang ga bisa nerima bahwa seseorang itu lebih berhasil dari dirinya, ada lagi orang yang ngomongin keprofesionalan (semoga dia tau arti kata itu, jujur klo gue ga tau pasti, yang penting gue cuman berusaha tanggung jawab aja ama kewajiban gue) sialnya dia tuh cuman di bibir, kelakuannya tebak aja sendiri. Apesnya hal ini terjadi dimana gue berdiri, lagian ini cuman teguran sih klo mereka baca blog gue, gue ga kaya dulu sih sering ngomong frontal, sekarang gue nya udah jadi pengecut terpengaruh oleh lingkungan, GUE MOHON MAAF KLO ADA YANG MERASA TERHINA TAPI GUE CUMA BERBICARA SESUAI FAKTA YANG GUE TANGKAP, TRUS GUE NUNGGU SAAT YG TEPAT UNTUK DENGERIN DAN NGASIH ARGUMEN TANPA MAKSUD MENGADUNYA, GUE TERIMA PANDANGAN KALIAN TENTANG GUE TULIS AJA DI SHOUT BOX, ASAL ITU SESUAI FAKTA NGGA JUGA GPP KALI AJA LU KESAL AMA GUE, GUE CUMAN PINGIN KASIH TAHU AJA KLO JGN PERNAH MERUBAH PANDANGAN SESEORANG TENTANG SESUATU/SESEORANG DENGAN MAKSUD MENCARI SEKUTU.

I'm Lost, I'm no guide But I'm right by your side

Cuxry ::::: 11/07/2003 05:45:00 PM

---End Session---

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Asyik, Dapetnya Eddie Yang Gila

You Are Psychotic Eddie!!!

Cuxry ::::: 11/06/2003 03:51:00 PM

---End Session---

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

The Collections of Ayam's lyrics


Ku kan slalu menangis melihat sedih di bumi
Ku kan slalu bersedih melihat sinis di mimpi
Takan terkira jelas di mata akhir nafas mu menjelang ajal mu
Akan terlihat indahnya dosa minim pahala seindah bangkai mu
Ku kan slalu menepi meratap pedih di hati
Coba untuk pahami mendapat senyum yang mati
Semua ku dapat hiklang tanpa sisa menanti
hanya maut tersisa hadir menghibur hari

Written by: NUTRIKA


Tlah berakhir awal nafas tak mengira tuk nikmati
Kan ternoda seluruh jasad takan bisa tuk menghindar
Takan bisa tuk menolak dari aib yang menhadang
Hanya bisa diam pasrah tanpa akhir yang tersenyum
Jangan kau nikmati mati
Kau hempaskan hidup
Kau hadirkan aib
Yang membawa duka

Written by:NUTRIKA


It's time to wake up but I see like tomorrow the day was not change the pain

It's time for the nice one but there's no happyness when the smile was gone with all tears

To pay all the heartace I will close my eyes with no sound was forced into my head

I'll take all the blame out for what I've been done when the smile was gone with all tears

And I see there's no strength in life

I heard no one scream so loud

And I fell my soul moved from dream

I'll teast all the blood in side

Written by: NUTRIKA

------------------------- End of Ayam's Part ------------------------------------------------------

The Way Back Home

I'm stuck on this trijunction
Try to light this morning
A full of mystery path
Need a solution to get this through

Tired to wait the surely answer
I guess the other dusts had through this
The thing that I ate
Maybe, I just wait my time to run

Gonna go the right way
to go to the ground of mother's feet

And (the truth is)

The boats search for the whispering wind
Short sailing is short age
The long has to fullfil with much of love

The tired of love will be loved at the end of riverside
Lol for passion and sin transformed to grief there

All of the sailors will flow to the same ocean
Without regarding any wind

Begging For Nothing

Empty sheet is sitting between high buildings
Many angels with babies on their hands try to keep on walking
Still many trying to stand

Why all of the buildings keep stomp them
Without greeting or just lips service
Is it 50 penny gives their new breathe

On the shoulders of the building their still hope
To end this drama or change the story

Cuxry ::::: 11/04/2003 03:33:00 AM

---End Session---

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Given to Choose

Every step that we take is a form
Transmit into a yield
Seems like puzzle
Gathering the forms into next tree

Good shape is my goal
But remember we have choose
The earth or heaven

Cuxry ::::: 11/02/2003 03:27:00 AM

---End Session---

Saturday, November 01, 2003

LiFe is a dream without end,
Come and Go Like a Faint Sun,

Ps: Selanjutnya Pusing.

Cuxry ::::: 11/01/2003 07:39:00 PM

---End Session---
The World

Insatiable of Throne
Links to Other Masterpieces

  • 08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003
  • 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003
  • 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
  • 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
  • 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
  • 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
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