Powered By Doni Yunias

Sunday, January 04, 2004

"Last Letter to the World (Trough This Site)"

Ass. Wr. Wb

Terima kasih buat semua yang udah, lagi, dan yang bakalan lewat di hadapan gue selagi gue masih dikasih kesempatan berdiri di muka bumi ini. Lagian kayanya udah waktunya seekor Cuxry berevolusi lagi, soalnya udah keliatan jenuh guenya dan emang keadaan harus gitu kayaknya. Tapi cukup gak yah bekalnya? Soalnya "peradaban" apa lagi nih yang mau dimasukin ama gue. Tapi cukup kayaknya mah, soalnya udah tertanam juga kayaknya "Street Spirit" di "pohon."

Gue udah pelajari dua hal lagi nih di sini. Kenapa juga kebanyakan orang cuman mo "didengerin"? Kenapa dia ga ngimbangin komposisi binary dalam "kehidupan" ini. Maksud gue yah kenapa dia gak "dengerin" orang juga yah. Emang susah sih kayanya klo misalnya pengen sama timbangannya, yah paling enggak kenapa kita usaha gitu supaya timbangannya gak keliatan klo emang udah kita akalin.

Terus satu lagi, kenapa susah yah membesarkan jiwa kita? Yah, jarang gitu gue liat orang mo nerima hasil kocokan arisan yang sama-sama diikutin. Ntar, di belakang dia ngomong, "Ah, pasti isinya nama dia semua!" Padahal itu udah pasti salah soalnya yang ngocoknya juga kan tahu dia tuh gak bekal menang arisan sampai dia emang udah bayar semua yang harus dibayar.

Nb: Try some real life, don't go spending your days by sitting on your ass in front of PC. It will be different. Anyway, thanks cyber for giving a little time but meaningful

Dengan Hormat,

(Doni Yunias)

Cuxry ::::: 1/04/2004 04:37:00 AM

---End Session---

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Take down the pictures of your minds
Look at the pictures which starts to fade
You used to be my hero
Watching as I learned
You used to wipe the tears from my eyes

All of the memories you left reminds me
That you took a part in my journey
You are the evident of my existence

You used to be my sunshine and I'm the moon
It doesn't matter how bright my light
It's just reflecting your shinning bright

One day, you said "it's over"
And I'm aware you are right

Watch me now
You can see, I'm stronger in standing with one foot
I use the other foot to kick the stupid things I've done

You may rest in peace now
No need to comfort me
Memories of you, covered my heart
Thanks anyway

Cuxry ::::: 12/23/2003 07:03:00 PM

---End Session---

Monday, December 22, 2003

sori ga ijin!!

lagi suntuk aja ... ga ada temen
aku pengen numpahin disini

...............wait! he dont love you like i love you ..(shit)
yeah yeah yeahs are good for killing energy
in my room
rolling around on the floor
like a drunken rock star
i have no shame

i told someone
something i thought i would never tell anyone.
about an event in my life.
something that really hurt me.
and i cringe to think about it
because now
ive brought it up

"tell me its not true , tell me its going to be fine"
these are the words i want to believe you.
why is my heart so cold.
it needs warming.
im a looser. ..am i?

Nisya Posted This One

Cuxry ::::: 12/22/2003 12:17:00 PM

---End Session---

Friday, December 19, 2003

Live in Time of Living
Everyone knows time
Time is runnin' with no one to be waited
Every beginnig and end has its own time
But no one knows when time has to end

Sometimes, we often see people who laugh in defeating time
Time doesn't cares about it and time is not proud to be time
In fact, when someone has conqure time once
It means he has lost for once too

We're borned in time
We're walkin' in time
We're dreamin' in time
we're changin' in time

We have the same speed of time
But we have different one
The contract of our time

Enjoy your time
Live with it
You have been created with it

You may have my time
But not my life

F***in' and useless Drama

There is no reason, I'm not takin' all away
I'm just wasting my time here.
See the future waiting
I'm afraid to feel. I have to take much more
This is not the end, more and more
I saw he's dead in you
"HELLO, wake up moron!!!"

Cuxry ::::: 12/19/2003 04:41:00 AM

---End Session---

Monday, December 15, 2003

Bahwa lu harus keras..keras ama diri lu sendiri ..lu harus lihai ngadepin hidup...harus pinter cari alternatifnya..jgn mengandalkan apa apa dulu deh klo lu mau sukses.. harus bener² usaha.. harus mau kerja apa aja jangan pilih pilih.. hidup itu keras! sekeras apa lu tanya? keras..banget (brarti ga lembek).. gue ga bisa ceritain dan gue rasa cuman elo aja yang tau betapa kerasnya perjuangan lu nantinya..sampe lu sendiri bisa ngerasain hidup lebih enak..lebih baik ;)

Nisya posted this one

Cuxry ::::: 12/15/2003 07:23:00 PM

---End Session---

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Tolong Beri Judul!!!
Sedikit mengeluh dan me-reka2 apaan yang bakalan keinjek ama gue dilangkah2 berikutnya. Lagi males mikir buat postingan soalnya pasti menerawang jauh mungkin sampai ke surga, tapi percuma itu bukan jiwa gue sepenuhnya. Resmi gue lulus dari kampus tadi pagi 13 Desember 2003. Padahal pas jadi mahasiswa itu gue keluar dengan "muka" asli gue. Tepatnya gue hidup dengan "Idealisme" gue kayanya. Bingung, nah itu yg pasti gue alamin sekarang, padahal gue udah ada jawabannya (Iya atau Tidak). Sayangnya klo iya, mau ga mau gue harus siapin "Topeng" di langkah yang baru ini. Lagian kayanya gampang klo cuma gonta-ganti "topeng", nah lagian gue kan bukan gue dengan "topeng" gue ini tapi kita yang ada di "dalam". Nah yg di "dalam" itu kan cuma gue ama sang Khalik doang yang tau. Aduh, mulai so iye dah gue. Bener juga poster di kamar kostan Kemal dulu yg tulisannya: "It Takes One to Know One" (coba pikirin deh, klo penasaran tanya aja penalaran versi gue, tapi itu juga versi gue lho). Klo tidak, di mana tanggung jawab gue ama masa depan gue sendiri? I'm on my own.

Cuxry ::::: 12/13/2003 10:46:00 PM

---End Session---

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Every Saint's Drama
We just come down from the mountain
Bring the prize for humankind
We have the same assignment
Nothing's really matter for us
Go fuck up with the faith
We could me a trigger for soul
Come to me sweetly, the lost souls
To divide right or wrong
You may know science more than us
But we know science belongs to whom
It's too high to reach up there
Give a message to your fear
Fearing the flame
We are humans
But we miss the ground for all of humans
Not for ourselves

Sindiran Bagi Para Pemimpi
Keajaiban itu bukanlah apa yang kita pikirkan, melainkan hal yang dapat kita lakukan dalam keadaan sadar.

Mudah-mudahan ini benar
Hey semuanya, coba lihat jari kita yang sekecil ini mampu menutupi mata kita untuk melihat dunia. Mungkin itu sama halnya dengan pikiran sempit kita yang menutupi realita - realita di hadapan kita.

Cuxry ::::: 12/09/2003 11:05:00 PM

---End Session---

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Today, I found myself alone in the corridor, waiting locked heart
Cause I am hanging on every footprints you left
It could be my endless Hallway
Shall I die in the middle of this line?
Or shall I crawl with my hands bound
I closed my eyes for a while
I began to pray
I hoped you would open the Hallway door
You haven't come
Shall I search you outside?
I wanna do that, but please open the door first

Cuxry ::::: 12/07/2003 06:25:00 PM

---End Session---

Saturday, December 06, 2003

itu lah..
Hal yang paling aku tidak suka....
menunggu...ditunggu... dicerugai...diceramahin padahal ga punya salah... di bicarain di belakang2... ditanyain macem2....... dimaki....dan di bohongi...

by nisya

Cuxry ::::: 12/06/2003 05:28:00 PM

---End Session---

Friday, December 05, 2003

My Own Reverie
Well, I have never taken life
I never got an offer before
It's hard to find the answer
There ain't no question here
But thanks to sperm
Now, I'm not OK in the outside
We gotta love each other
Our love will overcome
Now, I wait for you to take my hand
No, no, not only me
But everyone

This is Only a Lips Service for Woman (Ha...Ha...Ha...)
Forever may not be long enough for my love
Would you come with me to the other side of this life
This love will never enough
Open your heart baby
And everything will be aright
Forever wont be long enough for you to know
How far I traveled, how far I crawled
Open your heart baby
Live with me, Don't be afraid
We can go together now
Love will lead us
We will not be faded
Forever may not be long enough
Forever, forever

Cuxry ::::: 12/05/2003 09:50:00 PM

---End Session---

Thursday, December 04, 2003

This is my voice's speaking to you. A million thousand of any currency can't buy a second of your time, the time that you spent with me. You thought and added one more color in my life. Sometimes, we know it is hard to get straight with the line that we have been walking. I appreciate every second of "your wisdom." This is a nice piece of you It should to be this way, it should be end for the beginning.

Cuxry ::::: 12/04/2003 12:52:00 PM

---End Session---

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Kasta Dalam Cinta (seharusnya)
Seorang sudra menatap indah sang putri ksatria
Ohh, andai dialah sudraku

Brahmana datang menghampirinya
Kau bukanlah engkau yang ada di dalam tubuh seorang sudra
Bodohnya banyak yang percaya bahwa mereka adalah mereka
Itu hanya pakaianmu
Lihat waisya di sana, mereka menjadi topeng para ksatria dan kastamu mungkin seperiuk tahi mereka
Kapankah mereka belajar memberi tangan?
Mereka hanya berucap ini tiupan Tuhan
Jika putri itu telah menjatuhkan hatimu
Ikutilah hatimu, karena itulah kamu sebenarnya
Perbedaan kasta kalian, hanya baju yang akan usang

Cuxry ::::: 12/03/2003 06:22:00 PM

---End Session---

Monday, December 01, 2003

Lucunya, "banyak orang ngomong namanya juga hidup." Emang kenapa gitu? "Bla...bla...bla..."(full of ego). Tapi emang hidup itu artinya apa? Ga sengaja gue nemu terus ngembangin pendapat tolol lagi. Bahwa hidup itu perjalanan pulang, terus berarti kan pada pulang tuh. Ga tau deh siapa di antara kita yang pulang duluan? (coba Nico, yang pulang duluan bisa kirim surat atau telepon gue kek di sana gimana). Terus emang klo tujuan kita sama, kenapa kita ga saling pegangan tangan aja? klo ga, saling ngasih tau jalan hidup yang bener kek. Tapi inget! kita harus ikhlas klo salah satu dari kita semua udah nyampe.

Cuxry ::::: 12/01/2003 09:51:00 PM

---End Session---

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Life is like a drama, the lights come up, the actors and actress play their roles, the end of film for everyone, They get paid there.

Turn Our Head
Oh no, too many time walk in black
The song that I sing too loud
Let me down to get closer to get back
My love is too proud

You are the great mystery
Even scientist look like a donkey
You are the most funky
And has the best mercy

I wanna dance with you
In the same song of you
God is just a name
The fact is you are very fame

Days of the Life
Sunday, dying in the grave
Monday, opened the eyes
Tuesday, woke from the death
Wednesday, walking outside
Thursday, beaten outside
Friday, miss the ground
Saturday, closed the eyes

Cuxry ::::: 11/22/2003 04:44:00 PM

---End Session---

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Ga tau harus ngomong apa...isi otakku lagi kosong. gw cuma bilang ama loe Cry...
live your fuckin* life and keep up the fight, karena cuma loe yang bisa ngerubah diri loe sendiri sekarang atau kapanpun seperti yang Sun Tzu pernah bilang "kenalilah dirimu dan kenalilah lawanmu". bila loe mau, loe bisa pake kata-kata itu buat ngejar semua ambisi loe.

Thanks for nothing!!!
(Rudy 'Joe' Andriansyah)

Cuxry ::::: 11/20/2003 10:31:00 PM

---End Session---

Me: I be jealous of you, angel
Angel: He...he...he... why?
Me: You have a nice relation with God
Angel: You have it too
Me: No, I never meet God
Angel: You will, you are stupid, and many humans too
Me: Why?
Angel: It is simple, because in God, humans have much freedom
Me: Like what, because you are perfect angel than me angel, you wear a white clean costume and beautiful / handsome
Angel: Nobody's perfect even me Don't I don’t have passion and emotion
Me: What about humans?
Angel: Ok, I tell you, all of humans are free in choosing their believe to love or hate God or not to believe in God at all, and you know me, I was created to obey all of God's controls
Me: Ooo…

An angel flies serving humans
A man sleeps with his hands bounded
An angel stopped facing him
'Unbound this noose, please.'
He points to another angel in the distance
'That is your time.'
'No. I can’t stand again.'
Without sorry the angel continues to fly
'Hey, don’t go!!!'
The other angel flies slowly in the distance
The man stands up and run to jump over the noose
But he falls into a bed of roses
The waited angel arrives and shakes his head

Brother & Sister

I hope both of you wont regret appearing after me in our park
Only love can keep us together

Cuxry ::::: 11/20/2003 12:02:00 AM

---End Session---

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

"How Are You Doin'?"

In this life, I'm learning of you and it's great
It makes believe that I'm small
We come to this tree to love you
It just wastes time, if I should run from my faith
No other power that makes this possible
Let me know you closer
I dream of you every night
I want to say thank you, I'm better now
Because of you that care to us
I even don't recognize you physicaly
But still reminds me that you are uncompetitable
Whatever we call you, it just a name
Just a name

Cuxry ::::: 11/18/2003 11:12:00 PM

---End Session---

Monday, November 17, 2003

Cuxry ::::: 11/17/2003 10:22:00 PM

---End Session---
The World

Insatiable of Throne
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